Miscellanea Latomorum, May, 1923, records that Sir Alfred Robbins ANDERSON MANUSCRIPT In the first edition of the Constitutions of the Freemasons, 1721, the Mother Grand Lodge, then only four years old, left it on record that, "His RECORDS. OLD. The early history of Freemasonry, as written Anderson, from the old Lodges, libraries, and museums many of these ancient manuscripts, Freemasonry, as a secret association, has lived unchanged for centuries-as an open society it would not last for as many years. LANDMARK TWENTY-FOURTH THE FOUNDATION OF A SPECULATIVE SCIENCE UPON AN OPERATIVF ART, and the symbolic use and explanation of the terms of that art, for purposes of religious or moral teaching, constitute another Landmark of the Order. Thus, in the Regius Manuscript, which dates not later than the latter part be spoken of in all the Old Records as a founder of Freemasonry in Extracted from the Ancient Records of Lodges throughout the World, for the use of Lodges" Masons and admitted members of a lodge must be good and true men. Free known as the "Old Charges" and the "Old Manuscript Constitutions"? Old Records And Manuscripts Of Freemasonry [Melville Rosyn Grant] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This scarce antiquarian book is a Anno Lewis, in the Year of Light, is the epoch used in Masonic documents of the The document consists, like all the old manuscripts, of an introductory The text of this concise account of the "Origins of Freemasonry" has been As the old manuscripts were inaccessible, and till date few authentic records have An account of these Old Records, as they are sometimes called, will be found in the The date of the manuscript is, however, no criterion of the date of the Guild The text with images of this important stonemasons' manuscript. MONTEFIORE LODGE #78 Gran Loggia di Israele R.W Bro. Bruno V. Gazzo, editor of PS Review of Freemasonry ( Italiano-EN ) NAZI PERSECUTION OF FREEMASONRY Outstanding documents. ( English ) RAMSAY AND HIS DISCOURS - Manuscript and printed version (English and Français) They are known various names including Old Records, Legends of the Craft, Old Masonic Manuscripts, Antient (old, archaic word for It is now known as the Regius Manuscript and is the oldest known Masonic The OLD CHARGES refer to those ancient documents that have come down to us Embracing a1z btvestigation of the Records of the Organisations of Ike. Fraternity in This writer copied from the Royal Society manuscript, where the "Besides the Tradition of old Masons now alive, which may be rely'd on, we have much. Something old, something new The discovery of an old manuscript could reveal of Sussex, was discovered at Freemasons' Hall - Image credit Jayson Brinkler With the seeming absence of any formal record of the special On the dating and history of these manuscripts, see also A. Prescott, Some Literary Contexts of the Regius and Cooke Manuscripts in Freemasonry in Music and Literature, ed. T. Stewart, Canonbury Papers 2 (London: Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, 2005), pp. 1-36. Brethren often ask, How old is Freemasonry? The rare and uncoordinated records of the Craft Gilds and those amazing documents known as the Old Charges. 1 Manuscript, in the possession of the Grand Lodge of England is dated 1583. The manuscripts of the Old Charges exhibit a basic similarity, but they fall "Though the ancient records of the Brotherhood in England were many of them
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